

The TIGER is lifted by his friends and benefactors as he has lots of lucky stars with the number 9 Flying Star multiplying his radiant, bright future. However, he needs to stay aware and flare danger from robbery and unscrupulous people due to the Robbery Mountain star he is standing on. Play it safe so carry a Rhino and Elephant key chain and display Elephant & Rhino NE3 55.5 degrees to 64.5 degrees. It is better to be safe than sorry, as over the 25 years of practicing Feng Shui I have seen this mountain star often catching people off guard. The Tiger is also flanked in 2021 by the 3 killings so again I recommend carrying the 3 Killing Keychain and displaying the ANTI 3 Killings Plaque in the EAST 90 degrees facing East with 3 Animals portrayed on it. This protects one from 3 kinds of unpredictable bad luck, often the cause of sad news. One can sit facing this direction but do not face West in 2021 with the affliction in your back. Careful as in 2021 back stabbing is on the cards. The Tiger needs this protection as he is indirectly affected by it from the East next to him. This conflict known as San Sha affects the area to be precise 55.5 degrees to124.5 degrees and due to the natural disaster star 90 degrees it can this year affect Health and other unforeseen Earth disasters world wide plus personal ones. Every Household needs a plaque, and again one should avoid disturbing the Earth here or making excessive noise here renovating and drilling in 2021.

The TIGER enjoys on his left NE 2 45 degrees an Auspicious star that creates Mentors so place PIG HORSE AND DOG ON COINS and in direction of TIGER NE 3 for Abundance place Hulu and Crane for Health if you want to enjoy more vibrant Health and a long life. Exercise like yoga is perfect, lengthening your spine, extending your limbs while shinning out and smiling inwardly with joy.

Remember the TIGER has lots of overall lucky stars as well as the auspicious star in NE2 that sustains the Tiger as he moves along stealthily achieving his goals. The flying star for the TIGER in the North East is 9 Future Wealth so put your protections in place, stay present and alert then stride out, enjoy your friends, colleges, and the world, as your heart beats and pulsates with the universe and the stars, lightening your way to even greater more wonderful things.



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